Bio Filler

Bio Filler is advanced plasmotherapy treatment, which uses own body’s blood to make a plasma gel similar to widely used dermal fillers. Bio Filler is used for skin rejuvenation and for static and dynamic line and wrinkle treatment, rejuvenating tear trough, lines on the neck and body aging skin in elbows, knees and other areas.

Bio Filler is made by extracting plasma from blood sample and in particular platelet poor plasma part, processing according to specialised protocols. Plasma Bio Filler appears very similar to autologous fat transfer, though it is much softer, adaptable to dynamic expressions and less likely to form lumps.

Why Bio Filler?

Bio Filler is a mixture of fibrin network and trapped platelets, which release growth factors over 3-6 months and bio-stimulation with stem cells and growth factors producing collagen.

  • The most natural way to reverse skin aging
  • Natural results without looking as having aesthetic treatmnents
  • Does not cause allergic reaction, or any long term adverse effects
  • Better tolerated than hyaluronic acid dermal fillers
  • Can be done at any age as the most natural treatment to prevent aging


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